
Biocycle Product

Bestico Insect Frass


Bestico Insect Frass is a premium organic fertilizer produced through the cultivation of Black Soldier Flies. This product harnesses the by-products of fly cultivation to create high-quality organic fertilizer that benefits your plants.

Bestico Insect Frass is a premium organic fertilizer produced through the cultivation of Black Soldier Flies. This product harnesses the by-products of fly cultivation to create high-quality organic fertilizer that benefits your plants.

What makes Bestico Insect Frass truly special? The answer lies in the diversity of microorganisms it contains. These microorganisms work diligently to enhance your plants’ ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. Additionally, the rich Chitin content in this product has undergone a series of successful trials to significantly improve soil quality and plant health.

Bestico Insect Frass can be applied to a wide range of horticultural crops, including fresh fruits, vegetables, stunning ornamental plants, and even biopharmaceutical plants that require specialized care. By using this product, you can maximize your harvest while sustainably maintaining environmental balance.

Join thousands of farmers who have experienced the benefits of Bestico Insect Frass and see how your plants grow healthier and more productive. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to place your order. Together, let’s contribute to a more sustainable and profitable farming future!
