liquid organic fertilizer

Soil Booster

liquid organic fertilizer for all food crops

Harness the power of nature with our organic liquid fertilizer, designed for sustainable agriculture

Meticulously crafted organic soil booster to enrich your soil and nurture your plants to perfection. Our formulation facilitates rapid absorption, initiating a rejuvenating transformation in your soil and expediting robust plant growth. It can be applied for horticulture plants such as fruits, vegetables, decorative plants, and biopharmaceuticals plants.It can be applied for horticulture plants such as fruits, vegetables, decorative plants, and biopharmaceuticals plants. Treads lightly on the Earth, underscoring our commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly farming practices

Why Choose us

Benefits and Advantages

Stimulating vegetative plant growth and accelerating root, stem, leaf, and flower development

Improving soil structure and restoring soil fertility sustainably.

Enhancing the plant's nutrient absorption capabilities and warding off diseases

Contains hormones involved in the plant's growth and development processes


Microorganisms Amount (CFU/mL)
Rhizobium sp.
1.30 X 10 6
Pseudomonas sp.
1.71 X 10 10
Bacillus sp.
1.24 X 109
Lactobacillus sp.
19.00 X 10 7
Actinomycetes sp.
1.40 X 10 6
Streptomyces sp.
8.00 X 107

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